To properly distinguish

Thus, the class ContactMap after invoke method and this to unbind method gets an instance of the interface. This object is received through method, which is part of the interface ServiceConnection and must be implemented by the developer. The purpose of having an instance of, it will be recalled, is to mobile recharge api enable the class record in ContactMap Update an instance of class, so that the communication loop remains closed. When you call, the and are invoked. The first returns an instance of the interface and the second can pick it up and transform it correctly.


This transformation is done through the stub or receipt of. From the moment you already have a correct Kinsey of embodied in MSERVICE attribute, and you can use the remote methods offered. Therefore, ContactMap recorded immediately instantiate your remote interface, allowing from that moment that the Update class to recharge mobile phone communicate with ContactMap. The Update class must call method just before making a connection to ContactMap send the request type, and invoke just ContactMap deputes to read the answer. All this is done in the thread that creates the Update class for connections periodically.

Other equipment to use

See Code This code is very similar to more information that shown in Code, except that here ContactMap notifications to include before and after the connection to the server. The RemoteCallbackList class that represents a list of objects available for remote callback, needs to be activated before remote calls and off later. This requirement is met with (methods) and, respectively. Notifications are mobile recharge api sent just before the connection, getting her to send the request, and thereafter, which sends the received response parameter.


Choosing Android theme for this final project took place in spring, after evaluating the different alternatives that had previously been found. At that time the author of this project was in the middle of the second semester of the year Computer Engineering; for months before had been consulting with other teachers to recharge mobile phone develop potential topics, given the near completion of all subjects. During these consultations, went primarily to those teachers whose subjects had been more interesting or simply those with the best relationship was initiated.

Considered a mobile recharge api

Finally, the choice of a theme such as Android is based on representing an issue, at least for the author of this project, very interesting for several reasons: it was a new system, released by a click here to visit website fetish Internet companies like is Google, and that targeted the promising market of mobile devices. The project began therefore in April and was completed in January, had a period of approximately months. During this period the work rate was not uniform, as he had to be mobile recharge api collated with other academic activities.

The actual work time invested throughout its development has been a total of hours. From the first day has been a rigorous account of the hours spent on each task. In total, you can divide the recharge mobile phone en working basic activities: The time spent on the implementation of the various activities throughout the month has not been, as discussed above, uniform, but has been subjected to other aspects academics. Below is a brief description of the project's history month.